J.C. C.’s “Food-raiser” The Difference is Real … W
hen You Donate a Meal
As the holidays draw near and we celebrate with our families and friends, please consider donating
NON-PERISHABLE food items (boxed, canned, etc.) to the Jewish Community Center’s food drive. We are asking for store-bought, non-perishable food items only.
You can donate all non-perishable food items in the J. C. C. lobby now through
Friday, Dec. 21, from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Your generous donations will be shared during the holidays with the Hope House soup kitchen in Utica. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.
Items needed: common table sugar, ground coffee, cereal, hot chocolate mix, garlic powder, salt and pepper, cans of beef stew, cans of chicken soup, spaghetti sauce (preferably plastic jars or cans).
A gentle reminder: No products packaged in glass, no homemade food products, and please make sure products are within expiration dates.