2 Year Olds

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The two year old class is specifically designed to challenge older toddlers with materials and experiences that meet their developmental needs. The planned curriculum includes: large and small motor activities, dramatic play, creative art, music, and water play. This positive first school experience prepares the growing toddler for additional group exercises through the use of songs, finger play, and stories. Each month, a different theme will be used to introduce colors, shapes, numbers, animals, and more. The minimum age requirement for this class is two years old (by December 1st). Children may attend two to five days a week.

Play is the work of the child


“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.”
– Margaret Mead, cultural anthropologist 




For additional information, please contact
Lynne Dembrow at (315) 733-2345
or email Lynne@jccutica.net